Jen Humphrey
Owner, Training Without Conflict™ Certified Dog Trainer
Hi! I’m Jen, and I’m excited that you’re here!
My love for dogs brought me in to this profession, and my love for teaching humans keeps me here! I got my start in dog training back in 2004 when I volunteered for NEADS. They hired me as a full time Assistance Dog Trainer in 2009, and they provided me with a solid foundation in training dogs and humans.
In 2014, while still working at NEADS, I started a private dog training business, Banks K9 Solutions. Banks K9 Solutions was a private, “in your home” based training business. I left NEADS in 2016 to run my business full time. The success of that business allowed me to purchase The Right Paw in 2020! I had always wanted my own facility, and I wanted a team of trainers to help me help my clients, and it feels so sweet to finally have that.

Continuing education is SUPER important to me, here’s some (not all) of what I’ve done so far:
2009 – 2011 NEADS Apprentice Dog Trainer Program
2014 Assistance Dogs International Conference
2014 – 2018 Alpha Dog K9 Training Apprentice Program
2016 The Loyal Hound Shadow Program
2017 BA in Psychology UMASS Lowell
2017 Dream Come True K9 Shadow Program
2018 K9 Connection Shadow Program with Tyler Muto
2018 IACP Conference
2018 Seminar with Shade Whitsel
2019 NePoPo® seminar with Pat Suart
2019 Prime Canine Shaping Seminar with Jas Whiting
2019 Canine Paradigm Seminar
2019 IACP Conference
2021 Enrolled in Training Without Conflict™ Certification Course with Ivan Balabanov
2021 Canine Cognition Testing with Cameron Ford
2022 TWC Certification complete
2022 TWC Trainer Summit
2023 Make Your Dog Somebody Workshop with Ivan Balabanov
2023 TWC Trainer Summit
If I’m not learning about dogs, or teaching about dogs, I’m competing! I have three personal dogs. My oldest is a Shiba Inu named Bomba. He's retired now, but has titled in AKC Rally and Agility. MoonPie is my first Staffordshire Bull Terrier, who competes and has titles in AKC Rally and AKC Obedience. And my newest Stafford, Rhu, has titled in AKC Rally and is working on her CD for AKC obedience.

Other things of note:
I was the first person to bring Pat Stuart of Operant Canine to the United States.
I helped start the first GRC club outside of the original club. That club didn’t take off, but I started Baystate GRC Club in 2020.
I was a guest on The Canine Paradigm podcast, check it out here.
MoonPie is my first competition obedience dog. We got our CD in 3 trials, and went High in Trial for the 3rd leg!
Follow my family on IG @jen_banks