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What is a therapy dog?

Dogs who provide comfort to those in need.

Therapy Dogs are highly trained to provide comfort to those in need. 


They may visit schools, nursing homes, hospitals, or senior centers.  They may also be placed in a facility, like police or fire departments or a courthouse.

To have a great therapy dog, you must start with a dog who has an exceptional temperament.  This is why we work with breeders who let us temperament test their litters and select the ideal candidate.  This is also why we've created the Therapy Dog Temperament Test (video below).

Therapy dogs are not service dogs or emotional support dogs.  They do not have public access rights and are only allowed in dog friendly places or places that have invited them for therapy visits.

the right paw therapy dog

K9 Cruiser, Princeton Police Departments first Comfort Dog.  Selected and trained by The Right Paw.

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